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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

BBQ Chicken Skillet Pockets

Ingredients:Chopped or shredded chicken
Barbecue sauce
Shredded cheese
Canned biscuits (I used wal-mart brand biscuits which are kind of small - portion control, ha ha!)
Chopped red onion (optional)

Combine the chicken with a little barbecue sauce until the chicken is well coated with the sauce.
Use a rolling pin to flatten the biscuit into a circle.
Spoon a little chicken on to the middle of the circle, top with a bit more barbecue sauce, shredded cheese and optional red onions.

Fold the biscuit circles in half and seal the edges with your fingers.
Transfer to a lightly oiled frying pan heated to medium and cook about 3 to 4 minutes per side until golden brown and the biscuit is cooked through.  (That is why it is helpful to roll the biscuit dough very flat.)

Serve and enjoy...

What are some of your favorite quick weeknight meals?  I would love to hear from you!

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